My Great Grandmother's Tomato Soup

Published on by Souper Woman

My Great Grandmother's Tomato Soup

Another traditional classic. As the title already suggested, the original recipe for this soup is my great grandmother's. She taught the recipe to my mother, who taught it to me. I absolutely love this soup and I have been extremely excited to make it again for this blog. It has a very rich taste, because of the large amount of onions and celery and the potatoes make it a very nutritious and filling soup. Traditionally this meal has always been served as a starter, but to those who don't have eating as their hobby, it could in fact serve as a meal.

Ingredients for 8 servings:
  • 1 ½ litres of beef stock
  • 500 grams of tomatoes
  • 2 large onions
  • 2 large potatoes or 4 regular sized ones
  • small bunch of celery
  • 250 grams of seasoned minced meat (according to preference. Mostly a 50/50 combination of pork and beef meat is used)
  1. Peel the potatoes and onions and chop the vegeables into pieces (the size is unimportant, because the soup will be blended later anyway. To save time I would not cut them too small)
  2. Add te stock and heat up on a full flame. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Blend the soup with a stick blender, or transfer the whole load into a regular blender (not recommended) until a smooth mixture emerges.
  4. Place the pot back on the flame and reheat it until boiling point
  5. In the meantime, roll the minced meat into small meatballs, which you add to the soup. Boil for another 10 minutes. When the meatballs float to the surface, the soup is ready
  6. Enjoy your soup!

Tip: On this picture I served the soup with bread with some grilled grated cheese on top. If you will be eating the soup for lunch or as a full meal, I can really recommend this. Tomato soup and cheese has always been a golden combination!

Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients
Steps & Ingredients

Steps & Ingredients